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Crispy Chilli Egg Noodle Bowl

Wed, 17 July 2024

Crispy Chilli Egg Noodle Bowl
Chilli eggs
2 eggs
2 tbsp of chilli oil – no sediment
Frankfurter octopi
1 or 2 frankfurters - Cut into halves or thirds and then using a sharp knife cut through the frankfurter 2/3 way up lengthways (1/3 for the head) then rotate 90 degrees then cut, the bottom of the frankfurter will have ‘4 legs’ then you can cut through these 4 legs and get ‘8 legs’- just be careful as they can rip easily
1 packet of instant ramen noodles with the dried soup sachet packet 
(if you don’t have any, use any other noodles you have and make up 1/2 the broth from my shredded chicken soup noodles
Accompaniment ideas- 
Blanched veggies – pak choi, broccoli, spinach, Chinese cabbage
My chilli oil 
Red fermented tofu/bean curd
Soy sauce 
Sliced spring onions
Sesame oil
Sesame seeds
Saucepan with lid/wok/frying pn
Wooden spoon
Chopping board 
Measuring spoons
Slotted spoon/spider 
Frankfurters - Boil some water in a pot and place the frankfurters in, within 2 minutes the legs will have curled up so really looking like octopus. Extract carefully with a slotted spoon.
Noodles- In the same pot, place in the noodle nest in and boil for 5 minutes, then strain. Or, you can lift out the noodles with a spider/slotted spoon and blanch some veg into this hot water.
Eggs - While the noodles are cooking, add 2 tbsp of chilli oil to a frying pan or wok and wait until it is sizzling and then crack in your eggs, immediately you will see the edges bubbling up and becoming crispy, spoon the oil over the egg until the white is set (it will take about 2-3 minutes). 
Assemble – In a bowl add the sachet of soup powder that came with the noodles and add in about 200ml of boiling water and mix, then add in the noodles, top with the frankfurter octopi, veggies (if having any) and then slide on the crispy eggs and spoon over some of the chilli oil sediment. Top with sesame seeds, spring onions or anything that takes your fancy.
Top Tip -  Top with anything you have in the freezer/fridge/cupboard – ham, chicken, prawns, tofu

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