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Fish for Kids

Tue, 6 September 2016

Fish for Kids

We all want to give children the best foods to help them grow up healthy and strong. It’s no wonder we hear so much about nutrition for kids.

It is easy to get confused about the right foods to give to children but fish is one food that experts agree on. 

Just like adults, children need a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for health. Fish is a great place to start giving your child the nutrition they need. Fish is rich in protein as well as B vitamins, iodine and selenium. 

Oil-rich fish is a source of essential omega-3 fats as well as vitamin D. Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium from our food so it is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children. Oil-rich fish include salmon, mackerel and sardines. Calcium is also important and tinned fish like salmon and sardines are great places to get calcium. One tin of sardines has as much calcium as two glasses of milk!

Studies show that Irish children are not eating enough fish. The National Children’s Food Survey showed that 98% Irish children aged between 5 and 12 years do not meet government recommendations for eating oil-rich fish.

Tinned fish is a quick, convenient and tasty way to add fish to your child’s meals. Check out our recipes to find easy ways to get your kids eating more fish.