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7. Starting Over

The Royal

A new face in the wards provides welcome support for Stella, and Mr Middleditch finds out what Carnegie has in store for the hospital.

Friday, 17th May 12.50pm

12. Love and Loss

There's a race against time to find a baby kidnapped from the hospital nursery, and Susie's drunken antics prove to be the last straw for Matron. 46mins

Friday, 24th May 1.10pm

11. Can't Buy me Love

Ormerod's father in law makes a special bequest to the family, while Ken has a confession to make when the hospital pools syndicate celebrate their win. 46mins

Thursday, 23rd May 1.10pm

10. Laura

A train crash leads to tragedy for a young family and a race against time for Dr Banner. Stella comes to terms with her past when an unwelcome face appears... 46mins

Wednesday, 22nd May 1.10pm

9. Scabs

An industrial dispute hits the Royal, but will anyone cross the picket line to help when Alun needs assistance? Stella helps a man with a guilty secret... 46mins

Tuesday, 21st May 1.00pm

8. Coming to the Boil

Ormerod races out to assist with an emergency and leaves Sister Brigid to babysit in his stead; Carnegie redoubles his efforts for his fundraising campaign. 46mins

Monday, 20th May 1.00pm