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Episode 1

Lucy Investigates

Lucy Kennedy explores four unique culture groups in Ireland to answer deeper questions about modern youth in Irish society.

Tuesday, 27th Feb 9.00pm


Episode 1

Lucy Kennedy explores four unique culture groups in Ireland to answer deeper questions about modern youth in Irish society. 46mins

Tuesday, 27th Feb 9.00pm

Episode 2

Lucy takes a closer look at Ireland's relationship with the booming cosmetic surgery industry. She joins some young adults as they prepare to go under the... 46mins

Tuesday, 5th Mar 9.00pm

Episode 3

Lucy explores the vital role that Traveller women play in their community. Custodians of Traveller culture, Lucy learns all about female empowerment and... 44mins

Sunday, 17th Mar 10.00pm

Episode 4

Lucy explores the world of Social Media Influencers and discovers what life is really like behind the lens for some of Ireland's most-followed content... 45mins

Tuesday, 19th Mar 9.00pm