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70% Complete

Sunday, 21st Apr 10.00pm


Fitz exposes the savage price of racism as he digs deeper into Floyd's past. As the investigation reaches a climax not one, but two, victims seek revenge.

Sunday, 21st Apr 10.00pm

Friday, 17th May 11.30pm

Fitz has Tina in custody, but is racing against time to get her to reveal Sean's whereabouts before he kills again. 51mins

Friday, 17th May 11.30pm

Sunday, 12th May 10.00pm

The concluding part of the feature-length edition of the thriller series. Jimmy Beck finally confronts Jane Penhaligon about the rape. 50mins

Sunday, 12th May 10.00pm

Friday, 10th May 11.30pm

The search for Sean and Tina is intensified when someone close to Fitz and his police team is murdered. 51mins

Friday, 10th May 11.30pm

Sunday, 5th May 10.00pm

David Harvey has been arrested for the brutal murder of a prostitute. But an identical murder while he is in custody leaves the police with a dilemma 50mins

Sunday, 5th May 10.00pm

Friday, 3rd May 11.30pm

Fitz continues his volatile liaison with the Manchester force when a latter-day Bonnie and Clyde hit town leaving havoc in their wake. 52mins

Friday, 3rd May 11.30pm