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1. Her Boy

Gold Digger

Julia and Benjamin meet by chance and start dating. When Julia introduces him to her grown-up children, they question whether Benjamin's intentions are financially motivated.

Saturday, 25th May 9.00pm


1. Her Boy

Julia and Benjamin meet by chance and start dating. When Julia introduces him to her grown-up children, they question whether Benjamin's intentions are... 54mins

Saturday, 25th May 9.00pm

2. Her Daughter

Julia realises she's in love with Benjamin. Patrick and Della follow him and catch him in a compromising situation. Is he really who he seems? 53mins

Saturday, 1st Jun 9.00pm

3. Her Rival

When Julia's children accuse Benjamin of infidelity it threatens to split them up. But their relationship grows stronger as they move in together and... 53mins

Saturday, 8th Jun 9.00pm

4. Her Husband

When Julia tells Ted about her engagement to Benjamin, it causes unexpected consequences. 56mins

Saturday, 15th Jun 9.00pm

5. Her Baby

When Benjamin's half-brother turns up, Julia goes on a quest to find out what Benjamin is hiding. When she discovers his secret, will she still marry him? 57mins

Saturday, 29th Jun 9.05pm