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Monday, 10th Jun 4.00pm

Rich House Poor House

The families talk about how much their lives have changed.

Monday, 10th Jun 4.00pm


Monday, 10th Jun 4.00pm

The families talk about how much their lives have changed. 43mins

Monday, 10th Jun 4.00pm

Friday, 7th Jun 4.00pm

Inspirational life-swap series. The well-off Lusks swap places with the Bosleys who are used to getting by on less than one tenth of the Lusks' income. 42mins

Friday, 7th Jun 4.00pm

Wednesday, 5th Jun 4.00pm

Inspirational life-swap series. The Hornans are in the richest 10% in the UK while the Llewellyns are in the poorest 10%. How will they live at opposite ends... 42mins

Wednesday, 5th Jun 4.00pm

Tuesday, 4th Jun 4.00pm

Inspirational life-swap series. The Hansens are in the richest 10% in the UK while the Gittings are in the poorest 10%. How will they live at opposite ends... 41mins

Tuesday, 4th Jun 4.00pm

Monday, 3rd Jun 4.00pm

Inspirational life-swap series. The Colemans are in the richest 10% in the UK while the Morgans are in the poorest 10%. How will they live at opposite ends... 43mins

Monday, 3rd Jun 4.00pm