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70% Complete

25. Leah - Nutpops and Body Cons

Dress To Impress

A new face in the wards provides welcome support for Stella, and Mr Middleditch finds out what Carnegie has in store for the hospital.

Friday, 17th May 1.00pm

30. Yasmin - War of the Roses

Model and personal trainer David, digital content creator Tunji and marketing executive Ryan battle it out to win a blind date... 44mins

Friday, 24th May 1.00pm

Episode 29

Boxer Brad, estate agent Cameron and plumber Charlie hope their fashion choices will win them a date with sales worker Ellie. 43mins

Thursday, 23rd May 1.00pm

Episode 28

Three fashionable singles vie against one another in a competition where they must impress a trendy individual with their fashion sense in the hopes of... 44mins

Wednesday, 22nd May 1.00pm

27. Joyce - Caribbean Queen

Three fashionable singles vie against one another in a competition where they must impress a trendy individual with their... 46mins

Tuesday, 21st May 1.00pm

26. Harvey - High Heels and Chic Cravats

Three fashionable singles vie against one another in a competition where they must impress a trendy individual in the hopes of... 46mins

Monday, 20th May 1.00pm