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9. Hearts and Flowers


The lives of the villagers are in peril when a sniper lurks in Aidensfield. Peggy leaves David in charge of her ice cream van, with some interesting results.

Wednesday, 22nd May 7.55pm

24. Laying The Ghost

Walker announces his plans to leave the village, but will he really be able to say goodbye to Aidensfield for good? 47mins

Monday, 17th Jun 7.55pm

23. Where There's Smoke

Miller comes under suspicion during an investigation, and Walker gets the results of his exams. David decides that he wants to... 46mins

Friday, 14th Jun 7.55pm

22. Troubled Waters

Walker and Carol disagree on how to handle a domestic situation. Bernie catches the eye of an attractive widow - but is she only interested in his money? 46mins

Thursday, 13th Jun 7.55pm

21. One Small Step

Lives are in danger when the station comes under siege. The locals gather at the pub to watch the moon landing, and Peggy tries to prove that it is all a... 46mins

Wednesday, 12th Jun 7.55pm

20. The Medium is the Message

A vicar's wife is murdered and a psychic offers to assist the police. Younger comes to terms with his father's illness and... 46mins

Tuesday, 11th Jun 7.55pm