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5. Guilty Secrets


When a criminal allegation is made against a fellow officer, Joe risks his career to prove their innocence. Bernie receives some staggering news.

Friday, 26th Jul 7.55pm


5. Guilty Secrets

When a criminal allegation is made against a fellow officer, Joe risks his career to prove their innocence. Bernie receives some staggering news. 46mins

Friday, 26th Jul 7.55pm

4. Living off The Land

Joe and Rachel investigate a violent attack on a travelling hippie, but things are not what they seem. David goes to war with a rival local taxi firm. 46mins

Thursday, 25th Jul 7.55pm

3. Mother of Invention

Joe and Carol try to support a local single mother struggling to cope, but clash over the best course of action. The Police Constable's wife loses her dog. 46mins

Wednesday, 24th Jul 7.55pm

2. England Expects

An old villain returns to Aidensfield seeking to settle a score with the police. Peggy persuades David to start making clay pots, with explosive consequences. 46mins

Tuesday, 23rd Jul 7.55pm

1. Family Matters

Disturbing events compromise Miller professionally and his career hangs in the balance. Peggy's antics spark a health scare which results in an unexpected... 46mins

Monday, 22nd Jul 7.55pm