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Wednesday, 5th Jun 7.30pm


Marlon gets irritated; Lydia feels her worries; Will is suspicious of Rose's attempts to apologize.

Wednesday, 5th Jun 7.30pm

Friday, 26th Jul 7.30pm

People are concerned for Belle; Laurel and Jai organise Rishi's memorial; Mandy's financial anxieties rise. 22mins

Friday, 26th Jul 7.30pm

Thursday, 25th Jul 7.30pm

Cain and Charity are stunned by the state of the cottage; Laurel and Jai's split ripples out to others; Mandy talks to Rhona about her financial problems 45mins

Thursday, 25th Jul 7.30pm

Wednesday, 24th Jul 7.30pm

Charity and Cain are troubled by what they find; in a flashback, Belle feels hopeful before things change. 23mins

Wednesday, 24th Jul 7.30pm

Tuesday, 23rd Jul 7.30pm

Cain and Charity leave for Wales after Belle and Tom; Tracy is frustrated with her lot, and she takes it out on Ella; Laurel goes to Jai with a request. 22mins

Tuesday, 23rd Jul 7.30pm

Monday, 22nd Jul 7.30pm

Billy makes an admission to Dawn; Billy is surprised by Rose's behaviour; Charity is concerned. 22mins

Monday, 22nd Jul 7.30pm